Saturday 11 April 2015

Qwertee Design: 'Psycho Mantis Reads Your Memories'

For this design, I wanted to develop my new shading technique a lot more, and really wanted to base it on Metal Gear Solid, having only just played it for the first time ever, at the time. Although this time, I tried to work extra fast. Unlike the "Ren is Angry" design, this took a lot less planning and I basically spent an afternoon or less on it. The idea was to parody a rather notorious scene in the game in which the villain, Psycho Mantis, reads the memory card in the Playstation and talks about which games the player enjoys, only instead he's saying "you like Metal Gear Solid, don't you?".

It wasn't... terrible (I love how I drew the hands, actually), but it wasn't great either. As I said, I thought I could rush this design, assuming a t-shirt was basically something you could easily accomplish in less than a day, but as it turns out it still requires a decent amount of effort. It brought to mind my past errors of rushing a lot of my character designs and pre-development work, rather than actually spending time on them. Oh well, next time, I'll actually work much harder on them, like with my Ren is Angry design (I actually spent more time on that than I did with this).

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