Saturday 9 November 2013

Deadly Premonition

This is a strange game to say the least. It's in no way a 'good' game, it's enjoyable for some bizarre and complex reason. I'm not sure if the game is intended to be viewed this way, I mean there are some genuinely funny moments in it, and York is decent character too. But it is technically a horrible game, the graphics don't really match up to the standards of every other Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 game, the gameplay is pretty basic, plus in almost every possible way it rips off Twin Peaks. So why do I love this game so much? Well writing is very cheesy and the style is very quirky. The graphics are awkwardly over-the-top, I mean they're supposed to look realistic but the way they move is like a bad PS2 JRPG. That actually kind of suits the style of the game though, it's a dark story with a gritty art style, but that doesn't mean it can't be a bit silly. And who could go another a minute without seeing York's hilarious smile?
Pretty infectious. He's normally got such a straight face too.

Those graphics aren't the best but I can't help but love how bad they are, it fits in so well with the narrative. I still don't know if the graphics are supposed to be this bad, but if they are then kudos to Swery, the director of the game, because these graphics make this game heavily enjoyable. 

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