Friday 16 January 2015

Final Crit: Feedback

There was actually quite a bit of positive feedback for my animation. I am proud of it, considering all the time I put into it.

The feedback was mainly regarding issues with audio, since you could barely hear my character, since he was whispering the whole time. There was also a problem with the scene where Moom breaks his arm with the chair. I thought it was quite clear that he was whacking the chair but it apparently wasn't. I was told to recolour the chair so that it stands out a bit, but that would take a lot of time to do, considering the method I used to make the animation. I basically made each shot into a separate document so that I could render each one faster.

The names are based on the panels on my storyboard. This is actually saved a bunch of time rendering, because I render each scene when I was finished with them. However, if I was to change the chair colour, I would have to recolour it in every file it is in, and that would take too much time. It stands out anyway, because it's got more texture than most of the other objects in the scene.

Instead, I will remove the white flash from that (which I think just threw people off) and instead add another visual 'smack' effect over the area he interacts with. The scene also begins with the camera panning out from the area where the chair is.

Other than that, I just simply need to boost the voice-over audio and I'm done. Simples.

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