Thursday 8 January 2015

Creating the Wheelchair for Moom

I made a design sheet for the chair Moom is interacting with in the animation. I had the idea of designing a wheelchair for him because I could have fun with it by making Moom mess around and go nuts on it. There were, surprisingly, a few design changes to this damn thing, though.
I basically just took an image online and drew that. I didn't trace it, though, I only needed the image for reference so that I could simplify it on paper before actually making the model.

This sheet, I made to get a better idea on how big the chair should be in conjunction to Moom. I can resize the model on Maya to match this design.

Lastly, I needed to focus specifically on the wheels and legs of the chair so that I can get the right level of detail.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stick to this complex a design. I had to remove the arms to save time, and so that I can properly use the only chairs available as reference (none of them had arms on them). Not only that but I completely messed up the model after finishing it using these design sheets, so I had completely remake it with a such simpler aesthetic. I removed one leg, and only used one wheel for each leg (rather than a set of two wheels and a pivot each).

This is how it turned out in the end:

A pretty great deal of compromise was made for this, but it works fine. Moom can still roll around and have fun on it just fine. I still the first model (which I deleted) hadn't have completely screwed up, since it looked much better.

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