Wednesday 15 January 2014

Production of Fire: Birth & Death - The story.

I thought about what story to go with for the topic of elements. I had an idea for one about Water, that I immediately abandoned for this idea for a story about Fire. I looked at each of the four elements and thought about what each of the elements meant.

Yes, it does say "can fire be burned" at the top.

The thing that fascinated me about the fire was the destruction it can cause, that one tiny flame could spread extremely fast and cause a great deal of damage. That's when I thought about personifying a flame, so that it could react to the accidental destruction it's caused like a human being would. This would make it a character we can relate to because sometimes we make bad decisions and cause people suffering without realising it, and some people are just that bad that everything they do leads to bad consequences. That's basically what this character is like; a flame that can't help but cause needless destruction to everyone and everything around it.

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